February has been a rather temperate month compared to January (discounting the three storms that ravaged my country in the span of a week), and it saw me putting things in perspective and making plans for the next two months. Unfortunately, I passed none of my tests for my Master (there are reasons), so I've got quite some revision coming up, and that on top of the three portfolios and the essay I have to write for next block. How then am I going to fit in writing? Well, even a hundred words a day is progress, so I'm going to sit down for them, no excuses. It's better to write something than nothing at all.
What am I currently working on?
Aside from working on book 4 in the Ilvannian Chronicles, I've also started on a short story that I want to submit. I can hear a friend of mine asking why I would do that if I already have so much to do, and that I should probably focus on book 4 (or perhaps even write a second book in the Erlandian Chronicles). I suppose because it's something different; it's even written differently than what you know of me, but I hope it's going to be interesting all the same. Let's call it an experiment, shall we?
What am I watching?
As I mentioned in my previous blog, I've been watching Chicago Fire for a while. I've been binging the heck out of it since I found the first four seasons on Netflix. I was so invested, I bought the DVD box, which goes up till season 9 (I never buy DVDs anymore). Unfortunately, I'm very near to finishing it. Perhaps by the time this blog gets posted, I will have finished it. There isn't just one character that I like; it's the entire cast. Like every

show, there are cringe worthy moments, and sometimes the plot is so predictable you can see it coming from a mile away, but it's part of why I like it. Especially now, I don't have to think too hard about what I'm watching, which is exactly what I need.
But, if I have to choose one character at this point, I'd say it's either Severide or Cruz. I like Matt Casey (I liked Jesse Spencer in House, too), but his behaviour borders on the weird at times. Severide is the no nonsense kind of guy who behaves exactly like you expect him to. And Cruz... well Cruz is Firehouse 51's teddy bear.
Character Q&A
For this character Q&A, I was asked to have one with Eamryel from the Ilvannian Chronicles. He's one character I absolutely love writing, because his arc is something else entirely....
Kara: Eamryel, thank you for your time. I understand you are a busy man.
Eamryel: Not busy enough, apparently.
Kara: Right, well. Straight to the point it is... What made you change your mind to help Haerlyon? You seemed dead set on killing his sister.
Eamryel grimaces at the accusation.
Eamryel: Let's just say my eyes have been opened since then...
Kara: Even so. Such a change is, spectacular.
Eamryel: Is there a point to this question, ira Weaver?
Kara: Never mind. I can see you do not wish to speak of it. What do you stand to gain by helping the Tarien?
Eamryel: You mean Tari?
Kara: Of course...
Eamryel has a wistful look in his eyes as he considers my question.
Eamryel: Ultimately? Redemption...
Kara: Well... I suppose that's what we all want. Thank you for you time, Eamryel.
Added to my never-ending TBR
I've added the following books to my TBR this month, and I really hope to finish at least one of them this week!
House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas

The Girl who fell beneath the Sea by Axie Oh

Up next on the Blog
The Erlandian Chronicles: A bit of history
Thank you
For all your support. It means a lot to me.